Saskeeya: I tried to be good, but then... I drifted...
Saskeeya: Once on the streets of New York a woman called the police because her child spoke to me...
Saskeeya: Bite me
Saskeeya: I don't think the sun even exists in this place....
Saskeeya: The heat is on...
Saskeeya: How come you taste so good...
Saskeeya: Sinful Sunday Mornings
Saskeeya: Morning heat is the best...
Saskeeya: Unapologetic
Saskeeya: Welcome to the red room
Saskeeya: Red pill...or the blue?
Saskeeya: Backstage moment
Saskeeya: How about that playdate?
Saskeeya: How about a little night shopping...
Saskeeya: Do you think we'd have a genuine connection?
Orchid ~*: Dreamer
Saskeeya: Now, where did you go...
Saskeeya: ...and a Happy New Year!
Saskeeya: The gorgeous Karrie Rosca
Saskeeya: End of summer
Saskeeya: Noir
Saskeeya: Drinks served on our terrace
In Memoriam: NinnaDazy: Karina shape for Sasha
Vanka [Busy RL]: She was some precarious balance of shadow and light.
Cub Smit: JUDGE ME
Haute Pixels: Mia Shape @Limit8