mattpatmcneil: Conrad and Minnie Behling in oval frame
mattpatmcneil: William Frederick Behling 1906 Colorized
lisby1: My Husband's Great-Great Grandmother Sophia Magdalena Stolt
lisby1: My Husband's Great-Great Grandfather Johann Christian Kaack
lisby1: Synthia Beverly Stidham, Kathryn's 3rd Great Aunt
lisby1: Daniel Stidham, Confederate Soldier and Kathryn's 3rd Great-Uncle
mattpatmcneil: Captain William Charles Ingham
mattpatmcneil: Liberata DiCioccio and Giuseppe D'Angelo, great great grandparents from Italy
mattpatmcneil: Frederico D'Angelo and Maria D'Louise wedding 1905
mattpatmcneil: Lucy Venditti
mattpatmcneil: Tony D'Angelo
mattpatmcneil: William Behling
mattpatmcneil: Fred and Dora