HandsOff: Police have a public image problem
TheoJunior: Adolf's selfie
TheoJunior: Karl Marx Imagines Socialism
TheoJunior: Walker Transits Wisconsin
Beothuk: Quad War Aug 2008 295
TheoJunior: Chief Amungthum
TheoJunior: Young Magellan
TheoJunior: Loon Mulligan
rosewithoutathorn84: Empress Orbiana, wife of Alexander Severus
rosewithoutathorn84: "Throne for a Priestess of Ceres"
rosewithoutathorn84: The Sacrificiants - Roman, 2nd century AD
rosewithoutathorn84: Dome des Invalides
rosewithoutathorn84: model of the ancient Louvre palace
TheoJunior: Testiculus
TheoJunior: Wilbur Ackley
TheoJunior: Myopian amulet
TheoJunior: Comrade Gipper
TheoJunior: H. Dumpty
rosewithoutathorn84: women playing a game with knucklebones
rosewithoutathorn84: writing box, c.1700
rosewithoutathorn84: The Apotheosis of Homer
rosewithoutathorn84: Stacy and Clinton shall be hanged!!
rosewithoutathorn84: "Cry Innocent" meets "What Not To Wear"!
rosewithoutathorn84: Diorama of Roman England
Beothuk: Myrganwood 30th Oct 2009 237
rosewithoutathorn84: Sister Rose Thering today
rosewithoutathorn84: Sister Rose Thering
rosewithoutathorn84: me, aka Elizabeth Booth
rosewithoutathorn84: Edinburgh Castle / the evils of King James