mag379: Shadow Of My Former Self
alternatangle: Mag enjoying a cool beer
trentretro: went cottaging
trentretro: tried to break into the paper bag factory
trentretro: tried to hide
trentretro: had a look at the pond
trentretro: climbed up a tree
trentretro: peaked over the top of the ladies toilet
trentretro: sat in Cat's pocket
Weddog: Flickr Folk!
trentretro: Is this the north east harbour?
trentretro: this is the north east harbour
alternatangle: Mag379 posing
mag379: Me
mag379: Me
pamelaadam: guess who
mag379: self portrait in Cromarty 3
mag379: self portrait in Cromarty 2
mag379: self portrait in Cromarty