independentman: Snowflakes in the air, carols everywhere, olden times and ancient rhymes and love and dreams to share.
marthax: Nacimiento
BillieS: Our Lady of Guadalupe
marthax: Levantado
Scott and Allison: Young Santa, Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Young Santa, Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Young Wise Man, Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Young Wise Man, Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Young Angel, Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Christmas Eve Parade, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Festival of the Radishes, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Festival of the Radishes, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Festival of the Radishes, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Festival of the Radishes, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scott and Allison: Santa, Festival of the Radishes, Oaxaca, Mexico
marthax: Bye, Santa
marthax: Intercambio
.::æ::. Irving .::æ::.: Navidad Peluda / Merry Christmas
.::æ::. Irving .::æ::.: Centro de Mesa
rageforst: Meanwhile
bunæn: navidad 2005
bunæn: bedroom at lupe's mother's house
bunæn: the shrine
BillieS: Jardin on the night of the Three Kings
BillieS: Nacimiento in the Jardin
BillieS: Arrival of the three Kings
BillieS: Arrival of the three Kings
BillieS: Don Tono Hambergesa
BillieS: Snow Man