meowhous the iconoclast: a curved shawl with diamond edging and calico embelishment
Bonnetmaker: Lacing Pillow
le bears: "Kiri"
The Loopweaver: Lace border 2
The Loopweaver: Lace border 1
Ühltje: Scottish Scarf
Ühltje: Scottish Scarf
Bonnetmaker: Lace-making
The Loopweaver: shawl, blocked
The Loopweaver: shawl border, blocked
The Loopweaver: shawl center, blocked
The Loopweaver: Victorian Lace at the Park
manda_chan: Post-blocking detail
manda_chan: Post-blocking
manda_chan: Blocking
manda_chan: Pre-blocking
The Loopweaver: Take a right at the corner.
The Loopweaver: Scarf, six repeats short of a center
manda_chan: Lace Knitting
manda_chan: Lace Knitting
The Loopweaver: Six repeats down, thirty more and a border to go.
Bellsknits: Myrtle Leaf Shawl with Willow Border
Bellsknits: Myrtle Leaf Shawl with Willow Border
Bellsknits: Myrtle 4
Skein Sparrow: Clover Shawl
Skein Sparrow: Silhouette
Skein Sparrow: I am vampire
oddcherry: The Cap Shawl
oddcherry: The Cap Shawl