Christophe-la: Christmas dinner: meat, meat, meat
Christophe-la: Cordon-bleu
Christophe-la: Cordon-bleu: raw
Christophe-la: Smoking Coffee in the night
Christophe-la: Ubud samussa
Christophe-la: Preparing Mochi
Christophe-la: Home-made crunchy-layer chocolate truffles
Christophe-la: Heat-shaped home-made crunchy-layer chocolate truffles
hwicker: stew prep
Christophe-la: Mustard Rabbit
Christophe-la: Champignons Sautés
Christophe-la: I swear there's an order
Christophe-la: A good end for the Rabbit
Christophe-la: Still a Chrristmas dish ?!
Christophe-la: A good dinner
Christophe-la: Food: Okinawa-style
Christophe-la: From Alsace with Love
Christophe-la: Okinawa - Ryuu Soba
hwicker: making mushroom soup
Christophe-la: Kitchen: decoration or convenient?
Christophe-la: Hairy Crab at the crab market of Sapporo
Christophe-la: Gengis Kahn: A Hokkaido delicacy
Christophe-la: Enjoying Seafood at Sapporo
Christophe-la: Enjoying Seafood at Sapporo
hwicker: Love Chimichurri
Christophe-la: Your casual groceries: driedfrogs etc.