ppaul_l: Temple Newsham 003
ppaul_l: Temple Newsham 005
ppaul_l: Temple Newsham House 002
ppaul_l: Temple Newsham House 001
ppaul_l: Temple Newsham 002
ppaul_l: Temple Newsham House 003
foto.phrend: whitewash
=Heo Ngốc=: Bai Dinh Pagoda (Other viewing angle)
=Heo Ngốc=: Bảo Tháp 2
=Heo Ngốc=: Stone Turtle
=Heo Ngốc=: Temple of the Buddha
=Heo Ngốc=: Bai Dinh Pagoda
foto.phrend: canyons of my mind...
ppaul_l: IMGP0006
ppaul_l: IMGP0030
ppaul_l: IMGP0029
ppaul_l: IMGP0015
ppaul_l: IMGP0018
ppaul_l: IMGP0011
foto.phrend: end of the season
foto.phrend: winter woodland walking
foto.phrend: impressions of labernum
foto.phrend: azalea fest
foto.phrend: 12 months ago | azaleas
karldelahaye: Temple Newsam Bluebells
karldelahaye: Seren in the Bluebells
karldelahaye: WALL-E (1)
karldelahaye: WALL-E (2)
karldelahaye: WALL-E (3)
karldelahaye: WALL-E (4)