MargiL: Walking out of Fort Baker to Sausilito
MargiL: Moto crew
MargiL: Handing out treats
MargiL: Yummy treats
MargiL: Walking in bra and panties--brave
MargiL: Scoma's cheer station and photo
MargiL: Pirate walker gal
MargiL: Supporting the walkers
MargiL: Giving buttons out
MargiL: Giving out buttons
MargiL: Mother and Son
MargiL: Family walk together adn cheer for each other
MargiL: Young Survivor
MargiL: Young Survivor Coalition
MargiL: Young Survivors Coalition
MargiL: Young Survivor Coalition hands out goodies
MargiL: Dog hugs and kisses
MargiL: UPS on the GO
MargiL: Photo Journalist spotted
MargiL: High Five
MargiL: Team spirit
MargiL: Miles of smiles
MargiL: Going to distance as a team
MargiL: Pink, pots and pans
MargiL: Some angels wear sneakers
MargiL: Cheering
MargiL: Bike cops
MargiL: one foot in front of the other
MargiL: Pink has gone to the dogs
MargiL: giving goodies.