David Feuerhelm: Rain is coming
robertadams11: Chelwood Vachery Weir 4
Renato A.: 06 Simo Louvre
Renato A.: 04 Val Badia
santora.fr.rome: Saint peter's square Rome
Peter de Graaff: Paperbark swamp
rspohl17: The Piano
Renato A.: 10 Eleonora
murraycdm: Hwy 66 and Anteres Rd
murraycdm: Canyon Lodge Motel Seligman
Tony Roman Photography (TonyRomanPhotography.com): Morphing a 1957 fully mechanical camera into the 21st century with 2 cold shoe attachments (Exposure meter and home-made laser range finder).
Tony Roman Photography (TonyRomanPhotography.com): Morphing a 1957 fully mechanical camera into the 21st century with 2 cold shoe attachments (Exposure meter and home-made laser range finder).
Tony Roman Photography (TonyRomanPhotography.com): Morphing the old into new (agreed it’s not pretty nor practical, but a fun DIY)
Peter de Graaff: Spring and ferns
Renato A.: I Luoghi Dell'Acqua (LDA): delta del Po
philipevans4: The Ancient Mariner, Watchet, Somerset, 23/2/2024.
rspohl17: The Boat
philipevans4: Waiting For Summer, Brean Sands, 10/2/2024.
philipevans4: Approaching Storm, Brean Sands, Somerset, 10/2/2024.
rspohl17: Hanger Four
Peter de Graaff: Dreamspace
David Feuerhelm: A unique building
philipevans4: The Railway Station, Castle Cary, Somerset, 3/12/2023.
philipevans4: Park And Bridge, Rickhayes Recreation Ground, Wincanton, November, 2023.
philipevans4: People On The Pathway, Rickhayes Recreation Ground, Wincanton, November, 2023.
Peter de Graaff: Without a compass
Renato A.: Chiesa
Renato A.: 09 Lago di Molveno
Renato A.: Pergine (bar Arcobaleno)
Renato A.: 08 Val Badia