gabi-h: Lake Ontario Winter
dpdone67: Long Tail Duck 022A1660
dpdone67: American Goldfinch
dpdone67: Northern Male Cardinal 022A0939-2
dpdone67: Hairy Woodpecker
dpdone67: 022A9308-2
Stephen Heard: Roofed Cabin
dpdone67: Black Capped Chicadee
dpdone67: Golden Crowned Kinglet 022A6880
aT0Mx: One Autumn Morning
dpdone67: Brown Creeper 022A5653
dpdone67: Female Barred Owl 022A5574
dpdone67: Grey Plover 022A3817
dpdone67: Northern Flicker 022A3593
dpdone67: 022A2717
dpdone67: Black and White Warbler 022A2106
dpdone67: Monarch 022A2010
dpdone67: Catbird 022A1881
dpdone67: 022A1803
CCphotoworks: A peaceful spot in nature
CCphotoworks: Mini inukshuks
Stephen Heard: Greetings form the woods
aT0Mx: the view from where I sat
aT0Mx: Untitled
S. J. Coates Images: Presq'ile Marsh
aT0Mx: In the Shadows
aT0Mx: End Grain
Stephen Heard: Boardwalk
aT0Mx: fogs
aT0Mx: Orange Pop 2