pixienicki: waterfowl conservation planning & WBPHS
Itkovian: Clash! Haskell style DSP to Verilog.
Itkovian: ACACES poster session
Itkovian: ACACES poster session
Itkovian: ACACES poster session
Itkovian: ACACES poster session
liwenna: bostonposterjpg
bdesham: The application of constraint theory to self-organization of naturally-occurring molecules
welshby: [211/365] Almost Done
borghal: The Famous Poster
njhdiver: Poster Session
njhdiver: Poster Session
mansikka: Itelly concept - the poster
Anna Briggs: Characterisation of chicken interleukin-34 (chIL-34)
dmahr: Impacts of sea level rise on Seattle, WA
Al-Yahyai: Lime Project Poster for SQU Day 2009
notes_and_sketches: Savannah Presentation
Pete Fletch: Democracy Pixels Poster
USciences: University of the Sciences' Seventh Annual Research Day - April 2, 2009
USciences: Poster Presentations
USciences: Poster Presentations
USciences: Poster Presentations
dreadyboy: Poster at NorsLIS PhD conference
dreadyboy: Sara explains the Lund model
dreadyboy: Looking at the poster
dreadyboy: Debating and explaining
dreadyboy: the Wall
Itkovian: The exit
Itkovian: Taking down
Itkovian: Us