yuris_night_casilda: IMG_20190414_055202789
yuris_night_casilda: IMG_20190414_053752673
yuris_night_casilda: 20190413_013253
yuris_night_casilda: YN19 POSTER
photosucher, DDR: Svetlana Sawizkaja, zweite Kosmonautin nach Valentina Tereschkova / Светлана Савицкая, вторая в мире женщина-космонавт после Валентины Терешковой.
photosucher, DDR: Raketendenkmal / Памятник ракетам / Monument to rockets
Hydra5: Gagarin
Hydra5: Gagarin/ Vostok 1991
Editor B: Launch
neerajladia: Supermoon - Nov 2016
neerajladia: Jupiter with shadow of Ganymede
neerajladia: Pleiades over the sky of Chopta (Uttarakhand, India)
neerajladia: Mars Closest in a decade
neerajladia: Jupiter
neerajladia: Milky Way Rising
Demipoulpe: Grown ups men' s "kids toys"
neerajladia: Observer's Delight
Editor B: Planet Sebastian
Editor B: Ready to Launch
Demipoulpe: Come Out And Play
Demipoulpe: Поехали! ( All day i dream about Yuri )
Demipoulpe: Поехали! ( All day i dream about Yuri
sema4: Cardboard Space Station -- "Progress" Hatch
sema4: Yuri's Night food and beverage sample
sema4: Mission Control Costume
sema4: DSC_0010
Demipoulpe: Bulgaria Buzludja 1981
Editor B: Toasting Yuri's Night with a Gagarin Cocktail