Satuex Resident: Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it
Satuex Resident: Good things take time
Satuex Resident: Why do we keep making the same mistakes
Satuex Resident: Nice baby you see, when you see me
Satuex Resident: The day humanity understands why physical comes secondary, they will realise why they throw away the wrapper and valorate the gift inside
Satuex Resident: My best pajama....the way I came to this world
Satuex Resident: I'm still a slave to the past
Satuex Resident: Baking Time!
Satuex Resident: Without realizing it, you have conquered me
Satuex Resident: Something passenger condemned you to lose me
Calvin Smither: *30* Fuck The System
Satuex Resident: "I am not the same, I confess it to you."
Calvin Smither: *27* Till I Collapse
arapain: I Miss you
Calvin Smither: *23* Alone
Calvin Smither: *22* DARK SIDE