Cordelia McMasters: My little burrow
❄ MICHAN ❄: it wouldnt be a party without you
❄ MICHAN ❄: at least we both are under the same sky
❄ MICHAN ❄: we were once little and free
❄ MICHAN ❄: it's the little things that make life big
❄ MICHAN ❄: let your inner dork shine through
❄ MICHAN ❄: the standard of beauty is not definite, we define it
❄ MICHAN ❄: sometimes hello can be the hardest word to say
❄ MICHAN ❄: if you stumble, make it part of the dance
❄ MICHAN ❄: it's better to light the candle than curse the darkness
˖*⋈ mignon. Amlru: [ CHERISH by mignon.]