john.purvis: Counter
john.purvis: En Garde!
john.purvis: Going Dutch
john.purvis: End of the Line
Team Do'Urden: le masque et le gant
john.purvis: Touche
SilentArtPhotography: Print Pesta Sukan Nicholas - 0001.jpg
SilentArtPhotography: Pesta Sukan Lev - 0001
john.purvis: Triumphant!
john.purvis: Hors de Combat
john.purvis: Victory/Defeat
Ionut Ana: Epee fencing
Ionut Ana: Flèche
Ionut Ana: Going for the toe!
john.purvis: Epée 2017/10_3 Lunge to neck
john.purvis: Epée 2017/10_2 Double Hit
john.purvis: Epée 2017/10_1
huw42richards: DSC_1930.jpg
huw42richards: DSC_1755.jpg
huw42richards: DSC_1768.jpg
rastaficus: Fin de match
huw42richards: Strip Side.
huw42richards: Prime Ripost.
huw42richards: P1210703
graham.james.campbell: Women's Epee Medallists | Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2014
graham.james.campbell: Georgina Usher | SCO | 2014 Commonwealth Women's Epee Champion
graham.james.campbell: Usher v Simms-Lymn | Women's Epee Final | Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2014
graham.james.campbell: Georgina Usher | SCO | 2014 Commonwealth Women's Epee Champion
graham.james.campbell: Usher v Cohen | Women's Epee | Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2014
graham.james.campbell: Usher v Cohen | Women's Epee | Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2014