Choollus: Sunday Morning
Choollus: Mantou
Choollus: Baozi time!
Choollus: Galactic leggins
Choollus: Halloween Night
appleblum04: IMG_6578
卢芳思: 中国 , 五道口地铁
卢芳思: 中国
卢芳思: 中国 五道口
卢芳思: 五道口
haomin.zhu: 500_423
haomin.zhu: 712_24580011
Choollus: in the cafeteria
Choollus: Beijing Language and Culture University
Choollus: Beijing Language and Culture University
Choollus: Limòn y Sal
Ring3: P1020848
appleblum04: Hedgehog at D-22 Jan 2009
namaste86: The Bao Zi Place, Beijing
namaste86: Peek - a - boo!
namaste86: Wudaokou, Beijing
namaste86: Wudaokou, Beijing
namaste86: Pomocna dlon...
/\/\\/\//\/\\/\//\/\\/\/: dan onstage at d22
Ring3: P1020230
Ring3: 清华科技园
Ring3: P1000063
Ring3: P1000075
Ring3: P1000127