LookingforJanis: Janis Joplin's room
LookingforJanis: Janis Joplin's room
Soap2222: Janis's car - Drawing
Susana Saguchi: awful drawing
Soap2222: Janis Joplin Drawing
Soap2222: The 27 Club
Soap2222: The 27 Club - Janis Joplin
Soap2222: Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company Drawing
Soap2222: Janis Joplin Painting
Soap2222: Janis Joplin Drawing
jillonjill: Wellborns, 440 Procter St, Port Arthur Texas
jillonjill: downtown Port Arthur, Texas
jillonjill: downtown Port Arthur, Texas
robweber: Janis
saidessebordel: Feliz Festa Junina!
Tony Alma photos...: wed drink special
James Riley Photography: Psychedelic Beetle from Side
James Riley Photography: Main Amphitheater - Woodstock
Lucky Guitar: Janis Joplin
James Riley Photography: Hippies at Woodstock 40th
James Riley Photography: Woodstock Totem Pole
Lucky Guitar: Janis Joplin Mugshot
James Riley Photography: Hog Farm Fence
James Riley Photography: Woodstock Visitors