dallee: Happy Day
dallee: Happy Day!
freestylee: Love to give
wumpiewoo: At Last
TulipFleurs: January 20th 20/365 . . . Witnessed History Being Made This Morning!
acaben: Change Comes Into Focus
acaben: President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
dianne [moonbend]: inauguration.
dianne [moonbend]: out with the bad, in with the good.
Tim Fitzwater: Obama Plate
old-book-guy: President Barack Obama
AlexJohnson: Barack Obama Inauguration Buttons
dianne [moonbend]: barack 'n roll.
Antonio Carlos Castejón: OBAMA and Chief Seattle's Letter
julia.m: Capitol dome!
julia.m: Capitol at 8am
julia.m: Obama fan
julia.m: walking from the Washington monument, 7:30am
julia.m: toward the capitol
julia.m: in place at 9am
the catalyst...: Go Obama!
DJHEAVYD: Inaguration Day Metro Line
nègFoto: Obama Inauguration Photo 8
nègFoto: Obama Inauguration Photo 9
nègFoto: Obama Inauguration Photo 7
nègFoto: Obama Inauguration Photo 4
nègFoto: Sea of people
nègFoto: Sea of flags
Terry Moran aka Tezzer57: Obama's Promise
Terry Moran aka Tezzer57: Reborn in the USA