smurfie_77: Entrance
smurfie_77: Wynnum pier
-spam-: Share the Love
garbz: Little Battler
garbz: Caution
David de Groot: Suburban Bulimba
David de Groot: New Construction
David de Groot: Ham Radio
David de Groot: Dichotomy
-spam-: IMG_2720
-spam-: Candy Canes?
-spam-: IMG_2457
-spam-: Milk Bar Crates
-spam-: Keep Out
-spam-: Who Left The Light On?
-spam-: IMG_2489
David de Groot: Demonic Tree
David de Groot: The Lemon
David de Groot: Spray of Pink
David de Groot: Amongst the Monstrosities...
David de Groot: Bulimba Uniting Church
David de Groot: Bulimba Anglican Church
David de Groot: Triptych Doors
inexistentia: Wire Loop
inexistentia: Stab
inexistentia: Rods