d.kevan: A Paneira and Old water fountain, Plaza Mayor, Allariz, Ourense, Galicia, Spain
Pedro1742: happy face...
d.kevan: Statue of San Antonio, Portal de San Antonio, Calle Alto, Puertomingalvo, Teruel, Aragon, Spain
d.kevan: Under the eaves, Santiago Church, Allariz, Ourense, Galicia, Spain
Pedro1742: ,,,a certain smile
Pedro1742: trio 'surprise'
fusion-of-horizons: serenissima
DannyAbe: Forgetting and Remembering
godran25: Château de Saint-Sixte
A J Hammond: La Lonja (The Silk Exchange). Valencia
John of Witney: Old Porcelain?
John of Witney: Two Faces
Pedro1742: whassup?
Pedro1742: Surprised Marlin
M.Peinado: 016176 - Alcalá de Henares
Pedro1742: lady of the woods
godran25: Benediktinerabtei Tholey
John of Witney: Griffin's Eye View
Pedro1742: Orr Park
groenling: Rodney Stoke, Somerset, St. Leonard's, monument to Lady Lake Anne †1630, detail
groenling: Rinkerode, Westfalen, Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius, exterior : crucifix
groenling: Rinkerode, Westfalen, Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius, exterior : crucifix
Ricardo Barata: museo nacional de antropologia, ciudad de mexico, mexico (67)
godran25: Benediktinerabtei St. Mauritius Tholey
Ricardo Barata: museo nacional de antropologia, ciudad de mexico, mexico (10)
Ricardo Barata: museo nacional de antropologia, ciudad de mexico, mexico (21)
godran25: Annonciation à sainte Anne