neiljohnuk: Fogged up and on his mobile...
mwe152: 2012.11-25.1544_mes2
elbragon: Ignorante
neiljohnuk: A(nother) U(n) D(oubted) I(diot) driver
neiljohnuk: Idiot.
elbragon: Espaçosa
elbragon: Rei
elbragon: Incompetente
elbragon: Grande Mau-Caráter
elbragon: Retardado
elbragon: Debilóide
elbragon: Escroto.
elbragon: Cretino
neiljohnuk: Anal parking...
neiljohnuk: cn02 ogo ignore's the RED lights
neiljohnuk: cn02 ogo ignoring the RED lights
neiljohnuk: cn02 ogo about to ignore the RED lights
neiljohnuk: DANGER cyclist...
neiljohnuk: Prissy-arse RED LIGHT JUMPER
neiljohnuk: FILE00021
sinister pictures: Crap parking No.3435
mwe152: 2012.05-04.2356ce
mwe152: 2012.05-05.0008ces
neiljohnuk: URGENT PHONE CALL?
neiljohnuk: What STOP line?
tofightfortheright: parking - Sussex, Wisconsin 20120426
tofightfortheright: Evidence of Bad Driving; Maroon Honda CR-V; Waukesha, Wisconsin 20120420
tofightfortheright: blue Ford with smashed bumper and handwritten sign on grill
tofightfortheright: big dent in bumper of blue Nissan 20110507
tofightfortheright: Dented silver Hyundai Sonata V6 in Wisconsin 20090929