The Canon: Hospitality to strangers - faces
The Canon: Marian altarpiece
The Canon: St. Ansgar, Apostle of the North
With Nicole: Mermaid
Gothamiste: Cemetery Angel - Congressional Cemetery - Washington, DC
Norbert Kaiser: Stille Wasser
michigansplendorllc: Detroit Punches Back
Norbert Kaiser: groß - größer - am größten
prajakudon: Blue Rabbit Thailand B
Brian Wayfarer: " Haec sunt nomina eorum…” (Zo) Y
nick taz: Gargoyle, Duomo Museum, Milan 1
nick taz: Hanged man, Duomo Museum, Milan
Norbert Kaiser: Ewigkeitssonntag
nick taz: Teatro Principal, Zaragoza
nick taz: Monument to Goya, Plaza del Pilar, Zaragosa
Norbert Kaiser: "...ein Kitschprodukt sondersgleichen..."
prajakudon: 3 statues bangkok Museum
Norbert Kaiser: vergessene Helden?
With Nicole: A colourful array of Pumpkin Munchkins and small mixed squash.
michigansplendorllc: Atlas Vs. St. Patrick
Fotomaniak 53: La bordelaise à Paris 6/6
michigansplendorllc: Torch Bearer
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: DSCF3872 Plan de Corones
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: DSCF3871 Plan de Corones