Nikonshotz: Boreal Owl (aegolius funereus)
Nikonshotz: Snowy owl
Nikonshotz: Hawk owl
Nikonshotz: Great Gray Owl (strix nebulosa)
Nikonshotz: Great Gray Owl (srtrix nebulosa)
Nikonshotz: American Kestrel (falco sparverius)
Nikonshotz: Snowy owl (bubo scandiacus)
Nikonshotz: Boreal owl (aegolius funereus)
Nikonshotz: Boreal owl
Nikonshotz: Barred owl
westfortwarbler: Inspecting The New Excavation
AnnTravels: Ruru Owl with Glowing Eyes
shyalbatross232: Toothpick
shyalbatross232: Northern Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium californicum)
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