sylvie bergere: Alaunstraße, Dresden
sylvie bergere: Alaunstraße, Dresden
sylvie bergere: Boys'division
sylvie bergere: Daycare and Youth Center
sylvie bergere: Daycare and Youth Center
sylvie bergere: Daycare and Youth Center
sylvie bergere: Katy's Garage, Alaunstraße, Dresden
sylvie bergere: Alaunstraße, Dresden
sylvie bergere: Alaunstraße, Dresden
sylvie bergere: Court of the Mythical Creatures, Kunsthof
sylvie bergere: Court of the Mythical Creatures, Kunsthof
sylvie bergere: From courtyard to courtyard
sylvie bergere: Element Water - 'music' is created by water running down interlinked rain pipes
sylvie bergere: Element Light - sheets of aluminium reflect light
sylvie bergere: Illegal widdler! Please use a nice WC. Free in many bars and shops in the Äußere Neustadt
sylvie bergere: I want to exit human race
sylvie bergere: Shit association!
sylvie bergere: Not translatable
sylvie bergere: Now I sometimes have to grin because of you, just like that
sylvie bergere: Cars accepted