Umlilo1979: 20151228-DSC_4964
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg No studio 170807
Umlilo1979: DSC_7974
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg Volodya 170807
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg Samur etwas "hochnäsig" 160610
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg s&w Samur 160206
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg "Thar" Leo persica 151011
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg Double 170706
L. Bartha: DSC_1288
L. Bartha: SAM_6909
L. Bartha: DSC_1643
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg the face 170618
Umlilo1979: DSC_0839
Eddy L.: Wp ST Gyps himalayensis 170430
Eddy L.: Tg Nbg Snowleo 150409
Jim Cumming: Three Amigos - Canadian Loons
David Abresparr: Mass Pasture in Black and White
kayladanielle303: Baby Bighorns
sneaky winey: Goodnight.
Michael Turner Photography: Black and White Eastern Colobus Monkey
BoXed_FisH: Ripple Effect
stumayhew: Dolphins
StefanKleynhans: Possibly my favorite ever.
Old-Man-George: Zebra - Birds Eye View
MAICN: Wüstenbussard sw
alex saberi: White Swan
ilkleymoorbahtat: Polar Bear