andrewburkephoto: At Nepenthe, Big Sur
andrewburkephoto: Left behind in Pacifica (2016)
FOTODANO: Guard Tower
FOTODANO: Panum Crater
A. Starb: EPSN5182
A. Starb: EPSN5180
A. Starb: EPSN5357
A. Starb: L1013549-BW-M8 + Summicron 90/2
trittium: Domo Domo
Mot: Like, It's Inneresting Because It's Like A Circle In A Square, Man
trittium: Arrow Out Alley
trittium: Through the Lush Forest
trittium: Primortial Soup
trittium: Golden Frons
trittium: Businessmen
trittium: School of Dance
trittium: Addie Greg Phone
trittium: Up Down
trittium: White Fence
trittium: Addie and Los
trittium: Grasses Growing
trittium: Hike
trittium: No Swim for Addie
trittium: Scratch Scratch
Mot: TtV Pinhole Test
Mot: William Sasnal Projection
Mot: Pinhole Bandstand
Mot: Pinhole RD-1s Close Up Test
Le Patron: Reflections