cutxibiri: #Sigmasd14 #foveon #infraredphotography #irphotography #fullspectrumphotography
cutxibiri: #Sigmasd14 #foveon #infraredphotography #irphotography #fullspectrumphotography
Mark Eustace: Cactus flower taken with full spectrum camera
bluearsefly67: dandelion-infrared
seantgUK: Rolvenden Sep 22 2017
Bright Sparrow: IR sunflower
svensvensen2007: Purple Coneflower
Brian M Hale: monarch - 720nm infrared
Brian M Hale: monarch - 720nm infrared
Brian M Hale: soft focus infrared swallowtail
Brian M Hale: monarch infrared channel swap
Brian M Hale: 720nm infrared
jmhutnik: Daisy in Infrared
Brian M Hale: 720nm infrared
Brian M Hale: 4-watermark
PeteMartin: Butterfly
PeteMartin: 365 Infrared 070 Cactus
PeteMartin: 365 Infrared 044.Miniature forest.
tfangel: macro ir 15
Vytas B: grasshopper in infrared
Jason OC: The Sun After The Storm
Nicola Leoni: foglia macro infrared