WaveAtElliot: Lets play knock his hat off... I love that game!
WaveAtElliot: Cosmo and Me
marcostetter: 20240401 selfie
WaveAtElliot: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -- Dylan Thomas
WaveAtElliot: Wranglers do smile!
marcostetter: guy in tub
WaveAtElliot: Planning the next cattle sorting run -- cattle can be so sneaky!
marcostetter: 20230918 wet selfie
WaveAtElliot: Cattle sorting winner!
WaveAtElliot: Pensive Wrangler - A portrait of me done by my wife
wayward_cloud: Wenatchee-17
mister mustard: retro me
WaveAtElliot: This is me when AI wanted to change the mood and the setting
joewhiteside: self portrait 9.12