Chris Illman: IMG_0021
kovno: California Monster No 2, 6-9-2012
kovno: SEA SERPENT ON THE HUDSON, Ulster County, NY, 4-14-2012
MatYts: Nessie
MatYts: Nessie and Paul
Azranom: Feed me
Azranom: Triple dose de monstre
Azranom: Croc
Azranom: Une ombre sur le Loch
Azranom: Créature aqueuse
Azranom: Un breuvage écossais
Busy_Lizzy: Nessie came for a brief visit!! ;O
Busy_Lizzy: She came to my birdbath! :D
Busy_Lizzy: I checked later in the evening, and Nessie was still there! I haven't seen her today though ...
Holly Good: Nessie spotted amongst the fans at Murrayfield
Flausn: Neulich am Loch Ness
chrissiehanslip: Nessie or Dunlop
jonkvrouw: Nessie
Carnivore Kez: Loch Ness Monster!
AmiOwnbey: The Coast
Local Poet: Edinburgh
Local Poet: London
Local Poet: Belfast
sometimesong: Nessie & friends rock at T
ShirleyGrant: Nessie visits the Krakow Market Square
ShirleyGrant: Nessie visits Poland