hawki2at33: D10F1387-1
Argentlight images: Shangri-La
Argentlight images: river runs through it.
hawki2at33: D1CF0247-1
hawki2at33: D3CF1044-C1
hawki2at33: DH1F0265-C1
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): You can't buy happiness, but you can buy fish and chips, which is pretty much the same thing
BKFofOF: power starts here
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The landscape changes, the people change, our needs change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station.
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): The King’s Staircase
gmd54: Ventil
gmd54: Lost Place
gmd54: Wagenheber
Argentlight images: Sundown for the Sugar Bush
BKFofOF: misty pond
gmd54: Holzkiste-Wooden box
gmd54: Rot-Red
BKFofOF: spooky Kletterwald
gmd54: Patina und Rost
gmd54: Kronenmutter
BKFofOF: Feldscheuer, kontextlos
Peter Jaspers (busy at the moment): Where is it written that houses must be beige, any dun colored house would look better if painted pineapple, cream, ochre, or even a smart sage
BKFofOF: Streuobst im Vorfrühling