V.C. Wald: Chowing down on clover
V.C. Wald: Robin with Mountain Ash Berry
V.C. Wald: Pika making hay while the sun shines
V.C. Wald: Wolf pup on a special high-calororie diet
V.C. Wald: Gray wolf munching lunch
V.C. Wald: Wonder if it got a stomach ache from eating 20 pounds of sunflower seeds in the shell
V.C. Wald: Gray Wolf
V.C. Wald: Mom checking on the paparazzi
V.C. Wald: Apparently it's illegal to go to Yellowstone and not photograph sheep
V.C. Wald: Coyote and friends (competitors?)
V.C. Wald: Bighorn ram with a mouthful of dry grass
V.C. Wald: Coloration variation
BaboMike: Australian Lunch
V.C. Wald: American goldfinch seeking thistle seeds
V.C. Wald: Along the way to Medicine Wheel
V.C. Wald: House finch feeding its young
V.C. Wald: Elk bull in velvet
V.C. Wald: Wapiti Lake pack she-wolf
V.C. Wald: A meal for the cubs
V.C. Wald: You see what I have to put up with?
V.C. Wald: The prize
V.C. Wald: Great blue heron with a snack
V.C. Wald: Irritation at the ravens
V.C. Wald: Wolves on a bison carcass
V.C. Wald: Red-tailed hawk, female
V.C. Wald: Wapiti pack wolf on elk carcass
V.C. Wald: "Let's go nail us some ravens!"
V.C. Wald: Wolves of the Wapiti tribe
68photobug: O1K_5389
V.C. Wald: Mule deer buck