pamwalz594: CraneLanding_I4A7633
@Michael: Warbler, Palm
@Michael: Sparrow, Savannah
@Michael: Sparrow, Savannah
@Michael: He went that way
othersideofthelake: Why Did the Swan Cross the Road?
overthemoon3: Crex Meadows
Tony Webster: Crex Meadows Wildlife Area - Wisconsin
@Michael: Warbler, Palm
@Michael: Waterthrush, Northern
@Michael: Flicker, Northern
@Michael: Blakcbird, Red-winged
@Michael: Fish Lake Wildlife Area
@Michael: Fish Lake Wildlife Area
@Michael: Tree Sparrow
@Michael: Plover, Killdeer
larchman77: IMGP0486
larchman77: IMGP0664
larchman77: IMGP1752
@Michael: Hawk, Rough-legged
@Michael: Perched
@Michael: Hawk, Rough-legged
Wild Bill in MN: Sandhills
Patti Deters: "Crex Meadow at Sunset" by Patti Deters
skipants60: Brushfire
aarongunnar: Sandhill Cranes @ Crex Meadows
@Michael: Cranes, Sandhill
@Michael: Cranes, Sandhill
@Michael: Sentinal
jubewakayama: Parents and Cranes