pattybartavelle: "Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing." Helen Keller **** "La vida es una osada aventura o no es nada". Helen Keller
pattybartavelle: Always myself and don't let anyone or anything change me. ***** Siempre yo misma y que nadie ni nada me cambie.
pattybartavelle: “Loving someone with autism is discovering a unique universe of colors and emotions that only they can paint.” - Unknown author.
pattybartavelle: The magic of life is in appreciating the little things that surround us. ****** La magia de la vida está en apreciar las pequeñas cosas que nos rodean.
__Marcela__: New Post #4438
pattybartavelle: Strong and secure, only then will you achieve what you set out to do. ***** Fuerte y segura, solo así lograrás lo que te propongas.
pattybartavelle: “Autism is proof that love does not need words” anonymous author. ******* “El autismo es la prueba de que el amor no necesita palabras” autor anónimo.
pattybartavelle: Everyone shines, with the right lighting. (Susan Cain). **** Todo el mundo brilla, con la iluminación adecuada. (Susan Cain).
bluemood style: ✿ G̷u̷R̷u̷G̷i̷ ✿
bluemood style: ✿ RƆSSRƆSSRƆSS ✿
__Marcela__: New Post #4424
pattybartavelle: “The only guardian of your happiness is you. Stop giving people the power to control your smile, your courage and your attitude.” Mandy Hale
pattybartavelle: EASTER BUNNY
pattybartavelle: In the sea, life is tastier!! **** En el mar, la vida es màs sabrosa!!
pattybartavelle: HAPPY EASTER!!
pattybartavelle: “It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the most important thing in life is to enjoy what you have.” Dong Dong. **** “No importa si ganas o pierdes, lo más importante en la vida es disfrutar lo que tienes”. Dong Dong.
pattybartavelle: There is nothing more beautiful than laughter - Frida Kahlo. **** No hay nada más hermoso que la risa - Frida Kahlo.
pattybartavelle: "Self-confidence is the first secret of success." **** "La confianza en uno mismo es el primer secreto del éxito".
pattybartavelle: Sometimes you need darkness to see things better. ***** A veces hace falta oscuridad para ver mejor las cosas.
bluemood style: ✿ S̷E̷L̷F̷- C̷U̷T̷I̷E̷S̷ ✿
pattybartavelle: Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. **** Los retos son lo que hacen la vida interesante, y superarlos es lo que hace que la vida tenga un significado.
pattybartavelle: "Do not seek the approval of others. Seek your own approval." - Oprah Winfrey. **** "No busques la aprobación de los demás. Busca tu propia aprobación." - Oprah Winfrey.
pattybartavelle: "True femininity is being tough and persistent while being gentle and compassionate." - Maya Angelou
__Marcela__: New Post #4385
pattybartavelle: The happiness that is experienced derives from the love that is given — Isabel Allende. **** La felicidad que se vive deriva del amor que se da — Isabel Allende.
pattybartavelle: “Wine sows poetry in hearts”, Dante Alighieri. ***** “El vino siembra poesía en los corazones”, Dante Alighieri.
__Marcela__: New Post #4378
pattybartavelle: Sometimes you lose a battle. But mischief always wins the war. (John Green) ****** A veces pierdes una batalla. Pero las travesuras siempre ganan la guerra. (John Green)
pattybartavelle: People who love to eat are the best people (Julia Child). ******* La gente a quien le encanta comer, es la mejor gente (Julia Child).