mimisoleil: I've been waiting 12 years for the film version!
mimisoleil: 58 Years in the Making!
mimisoleil: End of Summer Rain: 88 Degrees F
mimisoleil: That was tricky. Now comes a trickier part!
mimisoleil: Special USA Election-Year Issue!
mimisoleil: Come Together
mimisoleil: Playing a set for Sentinels and Martians is difficult? Au contraire, Sweeties. Just keep some Wilson Pickett and Otis Redding in your repertoire. And for gawd-sakes, don't play ANY Wayne Newton! Or it's Lights Out in London, as they say!
mimisoleil: Hey, don't judge me! I'm only the receptionist here!
mimisoleil: Heart-pounding Reading!
mimisoleil: If it's too loud, you're too old!
mimisoleil: Look, I'll fight you after lunch. We both know I can beat your brains out any time. But Union-rules are Union-rules. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! If you wish to complain, go see my shop-steward, okay?
mimisoleil: The book that shocked Monowi, Nebraska!
mimisoleil: Mavis escapes from limbo! But into a different time!
mimisoleil: I love my new human-eyes texture! Many months of frustration are finished! LOL
mimisoleil: ...and then Mary Marvel zapped them right between the eyes.
mimisoleil: BoomBox WIP: Just another weight and shape test.
mimisoleil: Thunder and lightning. Very-very frightening!
mimisoleil: The book that shocked Savannah, Georgia!
†Dana Corvinus†: †No. 740†
mimisoleil: Und ich bin nicht einmal katholisch!
mimisoleil: It's alive!
mimisoleil: Absolutely shocking!
mimisoleil: I've been wanting to do a tribute to this comic/pulp/movie series for a very long time.
mimisoleil: Part 92?
mimisoleil: Get your GH Decoder-Rings ready, Kids!
mimisoleil: Hello, Fellow Moon-Doggies! This is an outfit test for an upcoming music-video! Some friends have an idea what the video may be. I was never quite sure I would do it. I’m also building mesh clothing and gear again too!
mimisoleil: Where it all begins...
mimisoleil: I don't know who you are, you schmuck! Look what you did! Something told me, before you sat at the keyboard, to crack your head open and feed your brains to my Venus Fly-traps!
mimisoleil: Recording again...