~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life
kitsunéfleury: Pause scooter ..
kitsunéfleury: Pause scooter ..
ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜᴏʀɴ: [.last day in Fae Forest.]
#Lo#: Untitled
Mark_Onyx: Nature – cheaper than therapy.
carisa franizzi: sky full of stars
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: When the Wind Wants to Whisper
sumerwynd67: Snapshot _ Mystical Fae Forest and the Enchanted Gardens of Tra 2
Gossamerstar: Far away
Finn Still (finnstill IW SL): Seeing the Light (from above)
ᙀຕα Ƒαᥱ Ƙմʂհ: . {fae forest} .
Stella Mahogany: [...wherever you stand be the soul of that place] - Rumi
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: Clair'air de lune
Josie Hotshot: .{fae forest}. Peer inside...
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: Le rEfugƎ
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: Il est des nuits de doute, où l’angoisse vous tord
Stella Mahogany: [...and all at once, summer collapsed into fall] - Oscar Wilde
Stella Mahogany: [...paint your life with light]
Valdmore: . {fae forest} . (3)
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: never all Black or all White
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: hope still bloWing in the Wind
Anke Zamani: dragon-fly
Anke Zamani: the view from the window
~ PɛȶֆɨҞaȶ~: Wild Wood Walker