CJ Blukacz: All My Heroes... Are Criminals.
CJ Blukacz: MARVEL - Garrett's Jump Jet
CJ Blukacz: Firefly - Serenity
Keele_Photography: Fruity Oaty Bar
GoodMikeD: Spike Ornament 2013
BrickWares: Lego Malcolm Reynolds
KellBailey: Firefly
BrickWares: Adam Baldwin with Jayne Lego Mosaic
dinin: LEGO Firefly Crew
BrickWares: Jayne (2012) Lego Mosaic
pumpkinoodle: Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal!
theselovinghands: Firefly - Serenity
the only kimbot: angel + cordy = love
danregal: I thought there would be more dead Mirandans
the only kimbot: grasp the source of power
apryl_knight: My Inara Dress
GoodMikeD: Blue Sun Guitar Hero
gibbspaulus: Buffy Shoot (1)
paghababian: Fruity Oaty Bars
KellBailey: Serenity
paghababian: Dollhouse Cake 2
NMCIL: Season Greetings
the only kimbot: i <3 spike
VictoriaScreams: Slayer's Crypt
leshoward: Jayne Austen Book & Gun Club
paghababian: Inappropriate Starches
NMCIL: Buffy 12 Years
RequiemArt.com: Dr. Horrible & Captain Hammer