theilr: the asters are back in town
hogsvilleBrit: Table. Chair. Hiding in Plain Sight.
hogsvilleBrit: Vilnius. Ukranian Flag. One of Many.
*CA*: They Had Played Jenga as Children
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: Oh, It's trying to come in
hogsvilleBrit: When a Ship Hits an Iceberg
hogsvilleBrit: Maybe the hydrant knows some more
hogsvilleBrit: Cádiz. Under construction. 'Twas ever thus.
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: a banana lounging in a square
theilr: A portal opened to another dimension
helenoftheways: Relaxing in the big bay window
russellsworth: Sunbeam sits on bench and rests
hogsvilleBrit: "It's 'Kuşadası'. We were here first".
hogsvilleBrit: "Sorry, but we don't do tofu."
hogsvilleBrit: Ice Cream. You scream. I scream.
Luc Boonen - PhLB: No Clothes, No Job, No Home
!EyeWork!: bride is radiant, bridesmaids making faces
ruthlesscrab: An Unemployed Jester is Nobody's Fool
Veee Man: Police car in pursuit of suspects
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: Went for coffee, found a face
helenoftheways: Modern tree fairy reading a book
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: a bit of Help needed here!
!EyeWork!: 2018, dang, dogs are now gone
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: red, white, and blue, times two
Veee Man: They start driving when they're young.
Jo Zimny: Celebrating The Last Night Of Chanukah
Jo Zimny: Chestnut Grazing In An Open Field
keidong: Steers hang in the hay. Waiting.
Jo Zimny: The Smaze Was Very Thick Today!
helenoftheways: Can you guess what this is?