mintasfotos: Saturday nites are for pillow tents. #dailyboo #cantseeme #jrt #dailyfluff #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #jackrussellofinstagram #rechargethepaws #houndsbazaar #whpwildthings
mintasfotos: love is...
mintasfotos: mi perros =)
JoeMBPro: Morning Cuddles in Black and White #dogsofinstagram #dog #ratterrier #cushingsdisease #cute #love #happy #me #selfie
mtman22: Lovely Lucy the Rat Terrier in repose
bethechange21: look away....
mtman22: Lucy the Rat Terrier
mintasfotos: BOOBOO underwater nose bubbles
mtman22: Lovely Lucy the Rat Terrier
mtman22: Lovely Lucy the Rat Terrier
mtman22: Lucy the Rat Terrier Hopes for a squirrel
chippewabear: Lilly having a cool drink
chippewabear: Terrier Time
mintasfotos: New Breed Sighting! Shark Terrier
bethechange21: where's my hawg?
chippewabear: Miss Lucy posing
chippewabear: Mr. Bofie
chippewabear: Miss Lucy
chippewabear: Miss Lucy
chippewabear: The Lovely Lucy
chippewabear: Bo lounging on the Deck in the Sun
chippewabear: Bo in bed playing with his Kitty Ball
chippewabear: OHHHH this feels soooo Gooooddddd.
chippewabear: Lucy and Bob
chippewabear: Bofie, he is such a gentleman
chippewabear: Leader of the Pack-Bo
bethechange21: tiara hater
...lovehope: cage the dog
...lovehope: new dew