Roland Wenger Fotografie: The sun gives us the power to bring ourselves forth in order to nourish ourselves from it. In many cases, a true blaze of color shines forth.
Jadebay: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke
Jadebay: Bahnsteig 2 und 3
Jadebay: go up....
Jadebay: Ericuspromenade
Jadebay: Elphi in Monocrome
Jadebay: Ausgedient.
Jadebay: Underground....
Jadebay: on the Rhine....
Jadebay: Keine Durchfahrt
Jadebay: wait for the next mission.....
Jadebay: the streets of Cologne(2)
Jadebay: the streets of Cologne(1)
Jadebay: Trankgasse
Jadebay: Street musician
Bellavonte: MS und Co.
Bellavonte: Spicka Neufeld
Jadebay: Durchfahrt
Bellavonte: Die Ewigkeit der Sterne
milanicon_: Stephan-Max Wirth Experience
milanicon_: Jaap Berends_Stephan-Max Wirth Experience
milanicon_: Bub Boelens_Stephan-Max Wirth Experience
Jadebay: Sturmflut in Cuxhaven
Jadebay: across the bridge...