polaris37: meadhan an t-samhraidh
3.0s: Cove Harbour
polaris37: Portsoy
Ben.Allison36: Loch Duich Five Sisters of Kintail
Hugh Spicer / UIsdean Spicer: Above Coirantee at Loch Eck
Hugh Spicer / UIsdean Spicer: Looking towards Clach Beinn and Coirantee
Ben.Allison36: Skye road to Kylerhea Ferry
tiggerpics2010: Morning light
Hugh Spicer / UIsdean Spicer: Blue Boat Bay, Loch Eck
brownrobert73: Balmaha
brownrobert73: Ben Lomond
brownrobert73: Loch Lomond
Craig Laurenson: Crinan Lighthouse
Craig Laurenson: Ardishaig Lighthouse
Craig Laurenson: Davaar Lighthouse
vinegartom40: Me and a tree
vinegartom40: A dream within a dream
vinegartom40: Walk towards the light
vinegartom40: Cathcart works bridge
vinegartom40: Burnside footprints
brownrobert73: Saltcoats
brownrobert73: Conic Hill
polaris37: Crichie
polaris37: Broom end of Crichie
brownrobert73: Balloch Park
brownrobert73: Loch Lomond
andrewalbert: Clach Steineagaid Stone
Dave S Campbell: Episode 41 now live. Link below.
Ben.Allison36: Applecross
Joe Son of the Rock: Colony of Redshanks on Sunken Boat