sand-B: Église Notre-Dame-de-Pitié à Biran (Gers-France)
sand-B: Église Notre-Dame-de-Pitié à Biran (Gers-France)
sand-B: Cathédrale Sainte-Marie - AUCH (Gers-France)
sand-B: Orgue de l'avant choeur - Cathédrale Sainte-Marie
sand-B: Cathédrale Sainte-Marie - AUCH (Gers-France)
lamarstyle: Sunday
soothing effects: the saint
Gi@nni B.: Milano
Portuguese_eyes: Igreja da Misericórdia de Santiago do Cacém - Portugal 🇵🇹
Portuguese_eyes: Igreja da Misericórdia de Santiago do Cacém - Portugal 🇵🇹 Church between concrete
soothing effects: touch me, heal me
Andrew-1: Saint Joseph's Oratory/L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph, Montréal, Québec
Portuguese_eyes: Capela de São Félix - Laúndos - Portugal 🇵🇹
Portuguese_eyes: Igreja da Misericórdia - Beja - Portugal 🇵🇹
Portuguese_eyes: Templo da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Días - Lisboa - Portugal 🇵🇹
Glass Angel: Wimborne Minster - Church of St Cuthburga
Lady-bug: Shapes and Serenity
Kenyan Traveller: Camlica Mosque
Kenyan Traveller: St. Antoine Church
Kenyan Traveller: Blue Mosque after dark
fagniez: Trinità dei Monti
Andrew-1: St. Pius V Catholic Church, Cobden, Ontario
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford
raaen99: The Former Woodford Catholic Church - River Road, Woodford