this_is_not_art: Fast Stacker v2.0
this_is_not_art: Fast Stacker controller v2.0
this_is_not_art: PCB for Fast Stacker 2.0 (top)
this_is_not_art: PCB for Fast Stacker 2.0 (bottom)
this_is_not_art: Fast Stacker v2.0 prototype
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Match head at 10:1 magnification
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Peppercorn at 10:1 magnification
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Sanding paper 20:1 macro
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Sanding paper 20:1 macro
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Sanding paper 20:1 macro
SyamAstro (850,000 views - thank you!): Ribbon cable (4:1 macro)
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: MacroRailProj2-Durst02
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: MacroRailProj2-Durst01
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: MacroRailProj2-Durst03
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: MacroRailProj2-Casing3
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: MacroRailProj2-Durst07
Chasa:Imago / Pano:Meister: ArduinoCPU-stacked
joe vj: Focus stack of a Jewel Bug
joe vj: Flower of a herb in comparison to a human hair
joe vj: Focus Stacker
joe vj: Focus Stacker
joe vj: Focus Stacked image of Flower
this_is_not_art: FRSP adapter