dcnerd: Dapper Seven
bertsbuilds1: The 4th Doctor consults with Cardinal Borusa. The Deadly Assassin. (1976)
bertsbuilds1: Special Weapons Dalek #2 of 4
bertsbuilds1: The 2nd Doctor
bertsbuilds1: The 4th Doctor with a Movellan. Destiny of the Daleks. (1979)
bertsbuilds1: Movellan takes aim at a Dalek; Destiny of the Daleks, 1979.
bertsbuilds1: The 3rd Doctor, threatened by an Auton, from "Spearhead from Space"(1970)
bertsbuilds1: Some of my favourite baddies from Dr.Who. (The original series)
bertsbuilds1: The 4th Doctor, with K9.
bertsbuilds1: D-84. From Dr.Who, "The Robots of Death". (1977)
dcnerd: Colin Baker
dcnerd: Daleks
bertsbuilds1: Robot.
dcnerd: War Doctor and Eleven
dcnerd: Osgood or Zygon
dcnerd: Oswald but which One
dcnerd: Michelle Gomez Missy
dcnerd: Madam Vastra
dcnerd: Missy
dcnerd: The Doctor in the Dalek
dcnerd: The War Doctor
dcnerd: River Songs
dcnerd: Missy and the Doctor
dcnerd: Missy Doctor Who
dcnerd: The Doctor and Ace
dcnerd: The First Doctor
dcnerd: The Eigth Doctor
dcnerd: Clock People Girl in the Fireplace
dcnerd: War Doctor and Eleven
dcnerd: Weeping Angel