sweirsweir: Perfect Booklaunch In A Perfect City (Toronto)
sweirsweir: Ronnie Hawkins holds a John Lennon book
sweirsweir: barry at the side
colour&keep: Self published book - cover
colour&keep: Heidi and I
colour&keep: Monkey-Dog isn't with the lions
sweirsweir: Beware the spam police
sweirsweir: three moose 1966
sweirsweir: Sign says it all
sweirsweir: Madonna and Child (and BJ the bear)
sweirsweir: Santa slayer chased away before he could lit the match
sweirsweir: As the snow melts, Santa’s frozen corpse is exposed.
sweirsweir: todd rundgren 1975
sweirsweir: Those were the days my friend: david bowie
sweirsweir: Fuck off And Die Letters
sweirsweir: Max Back Signing Books
sweirsweir: Announcing the New Titles Party
sweirsweir: Drinks with new publisher
sweirsweir: Living celeb doodler and living celeb author
sweirsweir: Author. Author
sweirsweir: Buns On The Street! Andre Rose in Toronto
sweirsweir: Arts and Letters Club's Mona
sweirsweir: Book launch for Tanya Talaga
sweirsweir: Charlotte Gray interview: Murder is on her mind
sweirsweir: Graeme Smith interviewed at Berkeley Theatre
sweirsweir: Winner and Noreen Taylor
sweirsweir: stealth selfie easter island