Praetorian Guard Customs: “Hold us together, even if it tears me apart”
Praetorian Guard Customs: “Where’s the rest of you”
Praetorian Guard Customs: I post mostly on Instagram now, follow me @The_Amazing_Jman
lego slayer: Insmouth
lego slayer: Cultivation Area 03
Praetorian Guard Customs: Jungles of Japan
Praetorian Guard Customs: Feet First Into Hell
lego slayer: Locals Only
tim constable: Mad Mike the baddest pm of them all!
lego slayer: Greener Pastures
Kyle Hardisty: Dawn of a New Time
Worn Out Trooper: Remnants of War
lego slayer: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo
lego slayer: Corpsman up
Jamesbrick: Build-off with Graeme: Theed
lego slayer: Protection Detail
lego slayer: Virginia
lego slayer: Front Toward Enemy
Worn Out Trooper: BnW Battles
Kyle Hardisty: Astral Ringwraiths
DarthNicky: Nasty Surprise
DarthNicky: Rebel Commandos
Kyle Hardisty: War Torn