Real Salica: The new studio is coming soon !
Real Salica: Summer is almost over..
Real Salica: Summer is almost over..
Dollymama2015: Nursing School Woes
Dollymama2015: IMG_0997
Dollymama2015: IMG_0890
Dollymama2015: I missed you so much!
Dollymama2015: Bunny + Lolita = kawaii-licious!
Dollymama2015: Ainsley looking flawless in a lovely summer tea dress.
Dollymama2015: Ashleigh and Annabel
Dollymama2015: Annabel is so pretty in her furisode.
Dollymama2015: Lovely Annabel with her new red parasol.
Dollymama2015: Annabel looking fan-tastic!
Dollymama2015: Wa Loli kimono dress
Dollymama2015: JLo ain't got nothin' on me!
Dollymama2015: Annabel portrait by N. Pozo
Dollymama2015: Handsome Rayne
Dollymama2015: Dreamy Natsu...
Dollymama2015: Ainslie looking kawaii fabulous in her Bunka dress and bonnet.
Dollymama2015: Abbey Rhodes
Dollymama2015: Handsome Natsu
Dollymama2015: Pretty in Pink, isn't she?
Dollymama2015: Aaron's amazing technicolor pants!
Dollymama2015: Storm and Aaron with Ugly doll.
Dollymama2015: Rikki before his Nikki Sixx haircut.
Dollymama2015: Aaron strikes a pose in the kitchen?
Dollymama2015: My first ever doll diorama, made by the amazing Nerea Pozo. I have rearranged it several times. My favorites here are the mini Rody kewpies and the mini vintage Barbies.
Dollymama2015: WE LOVE BABYMETAL!
Dollymama2015: Handsome Natsu.