Zeke Jestyr: "A Strong Soul shines after Every Storm"
alicia.rozales: 'til It's Gone
alicia.rozales: Memory Lane
alicia.rozales: I Used To Love Her
alicia.rozales: Water Runs Dry
Kaelyn Elara: Gimme All Your Lovin'
inworld: oomiyuoo: [我が道を行く]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [付きまといま]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [あわり]
inworld: oomiyuoo: 【ブラッド・ハウンド】
inworld: oomiyuoo: [ 私のこと好き? ]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [ おかえりなさい ]
E. Langer: Boxing Helena
E. Langer: But Im too self absorbed to give a clout
E. Langer: Turgon the High King of the Noldor
inworld: oomiyuoo: [ そうですか ]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [置き去り]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [ ゆきなさよ  はたて ]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [take me somewhere nice]
E. Langer: The Peacemaker
Lalie Sorbet SL: Furillen - Jeux d'ombres
Lalie Sorbet SL: Furillen - Un jour ordinaire
Lalie Sorbet SL: Fade Away
E. Langer: The Underground
E. Langer: Geometric
inworld: oomiyuoo: [bless my darkness]
inworld: oomiyuoo: [breathe]