peterdouglas1: Shopping trolley.
helenoftheways: going shopping
rieggi: MANN MIT HUT
Aurdur: Chariot de course
catimini: vu au marché
Florian Thein: Just another Gumball machine II
cyclingshepherd: The scourge of Olhão
Jack_from_Paris: double caddie
Jack_from_Paris: the caddie
Jack_from_Paris: 260/365 22.06.2010
Jack_from_Paris: caddie usage
Spacey101: Pretty in Pink.
Spacey101: Must have gift.
Paolo Pizzimenti: Les deux compères de la rue Richer : les courses du matin
Ivan Constantin: Caddie
Ivan Constantin: Caddie
Ivan Constantin: Caddie
Steve Greaves: Trolley (Sholley) Pusher, Man Shopping in Rotherham Town Centre
Ivan Constantin: Caddie
pho-Tony: Granny Turismo
TietjenUK: Sainsbury's trolley-nicking in Guildford High Street
thepicturedrome: "In the pink"
Ale Di Gangi: On Wheels
Jan van der Wolf: Five shopping trolley bags