Laura Rowan: Always look on the bright side of life
Laura Rowan: The name is Downy, ....Robert Downy Jr. 😄
Salt Creek Wildlife Photography: Pileated Woodpecker (M) and Railroad Tie
Ryan J Sanderson: Hermit Thrush, HEE8 Lucas Hollow, Brown County, Indiana. April 15, 2024.
Ryan J Sanderson: Blue-winged Warbler, HEE8 Lucas Hollow, Brown County, Indiana. April 15, 2024.
Ryan J Sanderson: Northern Parula, HEE8 Lucas Hollow, Brown County, Indiana. April 15, 2024.20240415-406A0012-CR3-2
jdf_92: Red-headed Woodpecker
jdf_92: Wood Ducks
jdf_92: Red-winged Blackbird
jdf_92: Blue-winged Teal
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